Twitter is a great resource for college recruiting and noticed-if done the right way. It is also the perfect vehicle to post short videos of metrics, game highlights, and more. Currently, the age cutoff on Twitter is 15 years old, however, coaches can still promote their teams. In 2022, TBR plans to integrate Twitter in all of our tournaments and showcases to help promote young athletes and travel baseball teams. Please follow us @playtbr
If you are a coach of travel team between 9-14u, create a Twitter Account. Get used to promoting your athletes. The top travel baseball coaches/teams truly want to see their kids succeed and are invested in their success. Is there more of a rewarding feeling for a coach? Please follow us @playtbr If you are a Player 15 or older(or soon to be with parental guidance)-Create a Twitter account and follow @Playtbr to start Promoting your achievements! We would love to help on your journey! Please read this helpful article on the Do's and Dont's of Twitter for athletes: Also, follow us on Instagram and Facebook Comments are closed.